Curing Oven with Cooler
ITS has shipped a conveyor curing oven with cooler to a US Parts manufacturer. The application required the oven to cure the parts at 331°F, hold for 30 minutes and then cool. ITS engineered and manufactured a curing conveyor oven designed with a proprietary air flow to ensure uniform processing of the parts.
With a process driven air flow design, this conveyor oven is reducing operating costs while increasing production output and quality. The oven chamber is 9’ long and runs 144 parts per hour. Read more about this ITS curing oven.
Need a conveyor oven for your application? Read our guide on the Top 10 Criteria to consider when purchasing a Conveyor Oven.
ITS has created a guide to selecting an industrial oven. Download the guide and learn about the most important criteria to consider when purchasing a batch or conveyor oven. The industrial oven guide is free to download and contact ITS with any questions. We look forward to assisting you!