International Thermal Systems – Tour the Shop

Take a step inside the shop at ITS and see our team in action. We take great pride in our manufacturing facility and the craftsmanship that our employees bring to each machine engineered and built.

Industrial Furnaces

Experts in heat treating applications – both large and small. Global provider of industrial furnaces.

Aqueous Washers

The Truclean family of aqueous parts washers are designed and manufactured for a wide variety of processes and applications.

International Thermal Systems Industrial Aqueous Washers

Industrial Parts Washers are manufactured in many configurations including batch, conveyor, monorail, pallet and case washers.

International Thermal Systems – Learn more about ITS

Experience the ITS difference. Watch our About ITS video

International Thermal Systems Can Washer – a leader in the Metal Packaging Industry

Experience the ITS difference. Our can washer leads the industry with innovative features and proven performance.

HydroCure Humidity Drying Chamber

HydroCure™ Combination Humidity Drying Chamber dries and cures the freshly pasted plate grid.


The International Thermal Systems Vactrans® offers the only vibration free vacuum-loading system in the industry.

Can Washer

The Can Washer will clean the interior and exterior surfaces of the can in the food and beverage canmaking industry.

Drum Paster

Measured to 3 Sigma, the unique Drum Paster H2000 is the most accurate paste application system available today. The Drum Paster H2000 paste weight variance is within +/- 2.5 grams. The Drum Paster H2000 regulates paste application to the plate with +/- .0025in (.0635mm) thickness.

Plate Flash Dryer

The only Plate Flash Dryer on the market that automatically cleans lead dust from inside the oven is FlashMaid™. The Plate Flash Dryer will automatically remove particles from the lower ductwork and deposit it into a removable tray. The self-cleaning feature means less down time for maintenance. Lead particle buildup can waste energy absorbing heat and restricting airflow. With lead particles automatically removed, the FlashMaid™ operates more efficiently.