Battery Equipment

ITS Lead Acid Battery Manufacturing

We are dedicated to the Lead Acid Battery Manufacturing Industry. International Thermal Systems Battery Manufacturing Division engineers energy efficient equipment for your drying, curing and pasting needs.

International Thermal Systems is a Lead Acid Battery industry leader specializing in curing, plate drying, thermal degreasing and other battery equipment. Focusing on saving energy and reducing airborne lead dust in air, ITS specializes in standard and custom equipment designs. Utilizing the latest engineering and programming software packages, International Thermal Systems can provide the best solution for various thermal processing and ventilation applications.

Contact a representative today to arrange for an on-site consultation to learn how we can maximize production efficiencies and minimize energy consumption.

HydroCure | International Thermal Systems


humidity drying chamber lead acid battery

HydroCure™ Humidity Drying Chamber

The purpose of a HydroCure™ Combination Humidity Drying Chamber is to dry and cure the freshly pasted plate grid. Pallets of plates are stacked in the sleek, upright design of the HydroCure™ Humidity Drying Chamber easily.

plate dryer lead acid battery

FlashMaid™ Plate Dryer

The FlashMaid™ Plate Flash Dryer will automatically remove lead oxide dust particles from the lower ductwork and deposit them into a removable tray. The self-cleaning feature means less downtime for maintenance and end stands incorporate integrated baghouse connections.

Contact the ITS Battery Group

We are ready to assist with application recommendations and product proposals.