International Thermal Systems (ITS) Releases A New Duct Face Audit & Upgrade Product Bulletin

International Thermal Systems newest product bulletin provides details on how you can improve your equipment’s recirculated air heating process (both supply and return duct facing) with a non-invasive, custom engineered solution.


-Duct design that is adjustable to minimize energy consumption with simple mechanical adjustments

-Damaged supply or return duct work can be refurbished or reengineered with HVN (High Velocity Nozzle) design

-Low-cost way to boost oven performance

-Improved heat uniformity and laminar airflow design

-Strong exhaust fan to minimize fumes and humidity


All Thermal Processing Equipment utilizing recirculated air heating



The ITS duct face upgrade is a low-cost way to boost your oven’s performance. This program first involves a thorough analysis of your equipment, process, current performance and future expectations. Next, ITS engineers design and install non-invasive custom enhancements to your existing equipment.

Whether to maximize air impingement on the product or simply eliminate your cold spots, this program will improve the efficiency and performance of your investment.

PACKAGE Includes:

-An engineering audit of all aspects of existing ducting

-Detailed report of our findings

-Recommended system upgrades and/or modifications

-Installation by ITS factory trained technicians

-Any recommended Spare Parts

Upgrading ductwork is a cost-effective way to improve performance and reduce operation cost. Typical upgrade can be completed in 1-5 days.

ITS – International Thermal Systems is a global original equipment manufacturer of industrial ovens, furnaces, and aqueous washers for automotive, aerospace, power generation, battery manufacturing, building products, foundry, ice builders, and metal packaging industries. ITS is in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, USA, with another manufacturing facility in Shanghai, China.

Download the New Duct Retrofit Product Bulletin Here

Batch Oven, Continous, Conveyor Ovens, duct, Industrial Oven, Industrial Oven Parts, International Thermal Systems, ITS, retrofit, spare parts
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