A Walk in the Shop – Can Washer and Dry Off Oven

There is a lot going on in the shop to kick off 2018, but currently, the largest project is this can washer with dry off oven. I have been with ITS for almost a year and I am still impressed by the size of the equipment that we build. Each industrial can washer, oven or furnace is built and tested on our shop floor. Once installed, the equipment is ready to run saving our customers time and money. I look forward to watching the test for this project before it is disassembled and shipped overseas. 

Look for “new news” from our metal packaging group in 2018. ITS is committed to providing product innovations and improvements for the can making industry. Contact the Metal Packaging group for more information on ITS can washers and ovens. 

International Thermal Systems Can Washer and Dry Off Oven
ITS Can Washer and Dry Off Oven
Beverage Industry, Can making, Can Washer, Can Washers, Dry Off Oven, industrial ovens, ITS
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