ITS ships two Annealing Batch Ovens to Plastics Manufacturer

Annealing Batch Ovens improve productivity more than 55%

This week I was able to visit the plant where ITS recently installed two annealing batch ovens. Each time I visit a customer’s facility, I learn so much about our equipment and the wide variety of heat processing options we offer. The ovens at this facility are used for plastics processing of a very wide variety of parts. The ovens are replacements for existing ovens. The customer wanted to improve temperature uniformity, reduce cycle times and process more product through each oven.

Solution – Annealing Batch Ovens

ITS delivers two annealing batch ovens that are designed with a proprietary air flow pattern to ensure uniform processing of the wide variety of plastic parts processed at the plant.


By incorporating the ITS proprietary air flow design they are now able to process more product per shift. According to the plant’s Fabrication Supervisor, the processing time of one particular part has dropped from 22 to 13 minutes, increasing production by almost 60%.

The new ovens have achieved the goals set at the beginning of the project for tighter temperature control, improved cycle times and greater throughput. Read more about this project.


ITS batch ovens can reduce operating costs and increase production output. ITS batch ovens are:

  • Designed/engineered for the specific application
  • Include optimized air flow management design
  • Deliver temperature uniformity for the specific product

Annealing is a heat treatment process which alters the microstructure of a material to change its mechanical or electrical properties. Typically, in steels, annealing is used to reduce hardness, increase ductility and help eliminate internal stresses. Annealing ovens are used to heat treat the materials in a controlled and consistent environment.

Batch ovens are used for batch heat processing and the part can be placed into the oven via a cart, drag chain, overhead conveyor, roller rack or a pallet. Batch ovens are sized to best fit the part(s) and air flow is designed for thorough heat processing throughout the part.

There are many options to chose from when selecting an industrial oven. Read the Top 10 criteria to consider when selecting an industrial conveyor oven to help narrow down your options.

annealing batch ovens, Batch Ovens, Industrial Batch Ovens, International Thermal Systems, ITS
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